Tree of Life Counselling
Darren Liquorish
Person Centered Counsellor
Hi! My name is Darren and I am a qualified person centred counsellor. I am calm, relaxed and kind individual.
I want to create a safe space for you, so you can talk about the things that bother you, perhaps things you never thought you would have to talk about.
Counselling is built upon connection and trust so that’s what I want to build with you. Soyou can speak freely and say all the things that you can’t say to anyone else.
As a person centred counsellor, you are at the centre of the counselling. I work to help you find the answers that lay within yourself and help you see with clarity what you are looking for, to help you heal.
Whatever life has thrown at you, that hinders your day-to-day existence, I want to help you,and share your journey with you so you don’t feel so alone.
I work with issues like anxiety, depression, grief/anticipatory grief, trauma, PTSD, disability,addiction issues and abuse (both sexual and physical).
I also work with Counselling students, helping them on their journey during training.
I provide telephone, online, and face to face sessions.
About Me
Like you, life has thrown stuff at me too, that’s why I understand what it is like to have something unimaginable thrown at you. I understand anticipatory grief. I understand disability. I understand what it’s like to sit with a counsellor and talk about things like this. This is why I became a counsellor, I too wanted to help those in need.
My past careers range from song writing to construction! Song writing is a wonderful way to express emotions and life experiences, as well as allowing a creative flow. In all the jobs I have done I have focused on building deep, genuine connections. People matter to me. I want to build these connections with every client I meet and help you to help yourself and feel better.
I am a naturally enthusiastic person, who tries to feel the positive energy in life and to help others feel more positive in themselves. I love to travel, to see different landscapes, and perspectives, as I feel this renews my energy in my body and mind.