
Tree of Life Counselling
Lee Bambury
Person Centered Counsellor
Hi there, my name is Lee. I am a qualified Person Centred Counsellor, registered with the BACP.
My Professional Background
My career has spanned a few decades and has mostly been in warehouse and distribution. Having worked my way up through the ranks, I have a great understanding of not only the roles, but the stress, the red tape and the politics that can surround it.
Other jobs I have had have been wide and varied from retail to knitting! I went into work straight from school as academia wasn’t easy for me. Being dyslexic but not ever diagnosed, I was the ‘difficult child’. I was finally diagnosed just a few years ago.

Mr Personal Background
I spent most of my younger years angry and unable to understand or manage my feelings. It was during my later years that I turned to alcohol and drugs to ‘manage’ those feelings. It’s been quite a journey, training to be a counsellor, because I have had to learn about my emotions and had to get to know them and face some demons that I have been avoiding for a long time. Through my own personal therapy, and because of my journey, I know how hard it is to face emotions and work through them. I also have learned the benefit of facing them.

I would like to help you face your emotions, to provide a safe space to speak and to truly hear you.
I have been a Christian since childhood, but didn’t practice for a while due to the above ‘management of emotions’ making me not just emotionally unavailable, but spiritually too. I returned to being a fully practising Christian in 2013. Faith can be misunderstood so it can be helpful if you have a counsellor that shares that faith. If you have no faith, that’s ok, as this aspect of my counselling only appears in the room if you want it to.
I volunteer as a counsellor for Bower House charity in Market Harborough. I work with adults with varying issues, including anxiety, depression, childhood abuse, trauma, anger issues, relationship problems, and self-esteem. I have been there for 2 years.
My Motivations and My Vision
Sometimes life can feel overwhelming or like an uphill struggle. Each battle we have can feel like it leaves us a little more depleted; and each problem we have can make us feel closer to being completely full. Just when we feel like we know where we are; something happens and life can feel upside down again.
There is a way forward…
Therapy can help you to gain perspective on what is happening around you. It can help you to understand why you feel like you do and why you do the things you do. Therapy can provide you with a safe place to explore what is going on for you; a space where you will not be judged; a place where you can hopefully feel less of your anxiety, stress or lack of control. Together we can go on a journey that brings release from unwelcome thoughts and feelings and can invite joy and happiness back into your life.
I want to help you to be free from what holds you back and help you to reach your potential.
I look forward to starting a new journey with you.